





About this book

  The freedom of modern man exists only in his fantasies, like his pursuit of satisfaction in the artificial world of cyberspace. His thought has already been emasculated  and his life  has been emptied. The things he pursues are all very practical, and his world only contains himself. Yet no one realizes that this is a tragedy, and no one understands the future, only yearning to escape from the unbounded pressures of the practical world. Modern man's escaping has already brought him to the brink of catastrophe, and if he continues to fall, it can only be into nothingness.

   As such a time, who can think our way out of the impasses? Who can avoid being hemmed in by reality? Who can avoid being dragged along by desire? Who can avoid compromising with the   current? Who can avoid dancing with the insanity? It all depends on whether see through the facade of contemporary culture. Turn your eyes toward the future. Do not sink into the beautiful word-traps of modernity, letting the master of the magic wand laugh at our gullibility.

   The essays brought together in this book were all written in such a state of mind, in such a state of concern. The author had not fully planned what he wanted to write, just letting the essays unfold of their own accord on the spur of the moment. Nevertheless, there is a strong mutual coherence and consistency of spirit running through the essays, and their purpose is clear: criticizing contemporary culture and calling forth light from the human heart. Only by digging deep into culture can we be the inheritors of history, and only then can we get beyond death.

